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Лена Савина Знаток (409), на голосовании 11 месяцев назад
The Aborigines were (be) the first Australians. There are fewer aborigines now than when the European settlers … (arrive) because a lot of Aborigines … (die) from diseases brought by the settlers. In 1921, there … (be) only 61,000 Aborigines in Australia. By 1991, this number … (increase) to 270,000 which is approximately 1.5% of the Australian population. After the European settlement in Australia in 1788, almost 5 million people from 200 different countries … (immigrate) to Australia. They … (look) for new lives away from problems in their own countries and they …(hope) to start new lives. They … (find) new lives in Australia and … (make) it their home. If the British … (not invade) Australia in 1788 it could have been very different.
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Eugen Straf ИИ Профи (540) 12 месяцев назад
The Aborigines were (being) the first Australians. There are fewer aborigines now than when the European settlers (arrived) because a lot of Aborigines (died) from diseases brought by the settlers. In 1921, there (were) only 61,000 Aborigines in Australia. By 1991, this number (had increased) to 270,000 which is approximately 1.5% of the Australian population. After the European settlement in Australia in 1788, almost 5 million people from 200 different countries (immigrated) to Australia. They (were looking) for new lives away from problems in their own countries and they (hoped) to start new lives. They (found) new lives in Australia and (made) it their home. If the British (had not invaded) Australia in 1788 it could have been very different.
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