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Всош английский язык 6 класс

Debil3382020pro Ученик (102), на голосовании 8 месяцев назад
Eddie and Cindy are brother and sister from New York. Together with their parents they traveled to Moscow for 3 days and are now flying back home. While in Moscow, they visited several places of interest.

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Не забудьте проверить и сохранить свои ответы!

Task 1

Read about the places of interest they have visited and then answer five questions. Now you have 15 minutes to read the texts and answer five questions.

Park Zaryadye is a park in Moscow, located next to Red Square. The park was opened in 2017. Some of the most popular attractions there are a concert hall and a Soaring (“flying”) bridge over the Moskva River.
St. Basil’s Cathedral is a church in Red Square of Moscow, built in 1561. St. Basil’s Cathedral is famous for its beautiful and very colourful nine domes (roofs). When it was built, it was the tallest building in Moscow.
The main building of Moscow State University is located on a high bank of the Moskva River. It was built in 1953 and is 235 meters tall. It has 36 floors. Until the 1990s it was the tallest building in Europe.
Gorky Park is located in Moscow, across the Moskva River from Park Kultury Metro Station. It was opened in 1928 and has been popular ever since. The most popular attractions are the biggest skating rink in Europe and a museum of modern art “Garage”.
The Tretyakov Gallery is a museum of Russian art. The collection of Russian paintings belonged to Pavel Tretyakov who gave it to the City of Moscow in 1892 as a gift. The building of the gallery is very colourful and looks like a house from a fairy tale.

1. How many parks in Moscow have Cindy and Eddie been to?





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2. How many museums in Moscow have Cindy and Eddie seen?





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3. The oldest place that Cindy and Eddie have visited is –

Gorky Park.

Park Zaryadye.

The Tretyakov Gallery.

St. Basil’s Cathedral.

Moscow State University.

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4. The newest place that Cindy and Eddie have visited is –

Gorky Park.

Park Zaryadye.

The Tretyakov Gallery.

St. Basil’s Cathedral.

Moscow State University.

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5. The tallest building that Cindy and Eddie have visited is –

St. Basil’s Cathedral.

Concert hall at Zaryadye.

Moscow State University.

The Tretyakov Gallery.

“Garage” at Gorky Park.

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Task 2

Now listen to the dialogue between Cindy and Eddie in which they play a game – they guess the place of interest they have visited. When Cindy and Eddie guess the place of interest, you will hear a beep. Choose the right answer for them . You will hear the dialogue twice.

Beep 1 – Eddie’s guess:

Beep 2 – Cindy’s guess:

Beep 3 – Eddie’s guess:

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Голосование за лучший ответ
Старый добрый друг Профи (795) 9 месяцев назад
А я уже полез сюда за ответами.
task 1
1 Вопрос:
Выбирай 2
2 Вопрос:
Выбирай 1
3 Вопрос:
Выбирай 4
4 Вопрос:
Выбирай 4
5 Вопрос 1
(Сорян последний не знаю :( )
Debil3382020proУченик (102) 9 месяцев назад
спасибо я сам там не понял
Старый добрый друг Профи (795) Debil3382020pro, Не за что
Debil3382020proУченик (102) 9 месяцев назад
Ты с ЛНР?
Старый добрый друг Профи (795) Debil3382020pro, Угу
Георгий Бирук Ученик (146) 9 месяцев назад
Добрый день!
Знаю ответы на Task 1 и на Task 2
Делал все с репитером

Task 1
1) 2
2) 1
3) The Tretyakov Gallery
4) Park Zaryadye
5) Moscow State University

Task 2
1) Gorky Park
2) The Tretyakov Gallery
3) Moscow State University
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