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виксик любка Знаток (353), на голосовании 7 месяцев назад
Complete the sentences with the given words: sympathetic, jealous, moody, furious, frustrated, insensitive, thrilled, proud, terrified, delighted.

I am _____________ of my mum. She is the best doctor in our city.
She got the best present ever. She is ______________.
My grandpa gets ___________ sometimes when he can’t remember important dates or names.
Don’t turn off the light. I am ___________ of the dark.
Oh, no! She feels blue. She is ___________ again.
It may sound _____________, but I don't understand why he’s so upset.
I’m really _____________ with the results. I can’t believe I am the first! Amazing!
My boss is very _____________ about my problems. She gives me a lot of support.
I’m still _____________ with him. How could he do this to me?
He's only talking to her to make you _____________. Don’t be mad.
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Ƹ Оракул (52856) 8 месяцев назад
I am proud of my mum. She is the best doctor in our city. She got the best present ever. She is thrilled. My grandpa gets frustrated sometimes when he can’t remember important dates or names. Don’t turn off the light. I am terrified of the dark. Oh, no! She feels blue. She is moody again. It may sound insensitive, but I don’t understand why he’s so upset. I’m really delighted with the results. I can’t believe I am the first! Amazing! My boss is very sympathetic about my problems. She gives me a lot of support. I’m still furious with him. How could he do this to me? He’s only talking to her to make you jealous. Don’t be mad.
******** Ученик (174) 7 месяцев назад
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