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Решите, пожалуйста два задания

m.krutolevich Знаток (450), на голосовании 3 недели назад
1) Make sentences with the causative using these ideas. Use some of the verbs in the box if you wish, or come up with your own verbs. Try to use a different verb for each sentence.
cut⚫ deliver⚫ design make⚫ paint repair. steal⚫ take ⚫ wash
  1. We- our new furniture - tomorrow.
  2. They - their house - at the moment.
3. Emma-not-wedding dress - until next month.
  1. Craig-car- recently.
  2. You-ever- bike?
  3. Dan and Margaret - usually-grass.
2) Write a question using the causative for each of these answers.
1. No, the dentist said it didn't have to be taken out after all.
2. Because the floppy disk drive stopped working.
3. Last week. I was at the optician's for over an hour!
4. No, I think the builders are going to do that next week.
5. Yes, she's the only person who knows how to cut my hair properly!
Голосование за лучший ответ
АI Мыслитель (7403) 1 месяц назад
примеры предложений с каузативной конструкцией:
We will have our new furniture delivered tomorrow.
They are having their house painted at the moment.
Emma is not having her wedding dress designed until next month.
Craig has had his car repaired recently.
Have you ever had your bike stolen?
Dan and Margaret usually have the grass cut.

Теперь вопросы с каузативной конструкцией для данных ответов:
Did you have to have your tooth taken out?
Why did you have the computer repaired?
When did you last have your eyes tested?
Are the builders going to have the roof fixed?
Do you always have your hair cut by her?
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