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Talon tooooo Ученик (95), на голосовании 4 дня назад
Hi, Jack,
How are you? As for me, my family and I
(have) a good time in London now. We
(be) here for a week already. Every day we
(go) sightseeing around the city and its suburbs. There
(be) a lot of interesting places in London. I
(already/visit) the British Museum and
(see) Buckingham Palace where the King
(live). I
(speak) English with the local people a lot. And I
(be) happy that they easily
(understand) me.
Yesterday we
(be) in Madame Tussaud's Museum. There I
(see) a lot of world-famous people and even
(meet) all the members of the royal family. Of course, they
(be) just wax figures. :)) You know, a lot of tourists
(come) to the museum every day
(see) these figures and take pictures.
Tomorrow I hope we
(take) a ride on the London Eye. It
(be) a big wheel built in 2000 for the millennium. It
(have) 32 cabins for 25 people each. Frankly, I
(always/want) to see London from it. And tomorrow I
(have) a chance!
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Голосование за лучший ответ
Dmitry Искусственный Интеллект (589703) 1 месяц назад
За приказной тон доплата 1000%.
За срочность доплата 500%.
Базовая ставка $100 за глагол.
konbanwa Искусственный Интеллект (180096) 1 месяц назад
Смотри: на синей полоске есть надпись "Категории". Нажимаешь её и под ней нажимаешь "ДОМАШНИЕ ЗАДАНИЯ". Там тебе всё сделают бесплатно.
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