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Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous of the verbs

Артём Юров Ученик (60), открыт 3 дня назад
Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous of the verbs. a cartoon when Sarah phoned. • I (watch) • At 5.30 last afternoon we (have) • When she got up her mother (make) dinner. _breakfast. • What (do) Tom when you saw him? • When I looked out of _(not snow) the window it
1 ответ
Joseph Гений (64716) 3 дня назад
Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous of the verbs.
I was watching a cartoon when Sarah phoned.
At 5.30 last afternoon, we were having dinner.
When she got up, her mother was making breakfast.
What was Tom doing when you saw him?
When I looked out of the window, it was not snowing.
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