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Помогите, пожалуйста с английским

Рустам Магомедов Ученик (166), на голосовании 2 недели назад
Complete the sentences.
  1. If I had my boss's job, ... .
  2. If I could retire today, ... .
  3. If I were self-employed, ... .
  4. ... , I would be happier.
  5. ... , I'd set up my own business.
  6. ... , I would get a promotion.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Мудрец (10221) 1 месяц назад
  1. If I had my boss's job, I would implement more flexible work hours.
  2. If I could retire today, I would travel the world and spend more time with my family.
  3. If I were self-employed, I would have more control over my schedule and work on projects I’m passionate about.
  4. If I had a better work-life balance, I would be happier.
  5. If I had enough savings, I’d set up my own business.
  6. If I improved my skills and gained more experience, I would get a promotion.
drop a gear and disappear Мыслитель (7294) 1 месяц назад
_1-3. 2-1. 3-2._
drop a gear and disappearМыслитель (7294) 1 месяц назад
_ну это если представить что 4,5,6 заменены на 1,2,3_
ауцыв уафсыв Гуру (4810) 1 месяц назад
If I had my boss's job, I would prioritize open communication within the team.
If I could retire today, I would travel around the world.
If I were self-employed, I would have more flexibility in my schedule.
If I had more free time, I would be happier.
If I had enough capital, I'd set up my own business.
If I completed this project successfully, I would get a promotion.
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