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Английский 7-8 класс

Айгуль Сибгатуллина Ученик (110), на голосовании 3 недели назад
For items 1–7, read the text below and choose sentences A–I that fit into the
numbered gaps in the text. There are two extra sentences which you do not need
to use.
Police and buses
In one part of England, police officers are exchanging their cars for the bus
to cut down on expense and to improve efficiency. 1.________________.
Most of the buses are double-deckers and police officers will be encouraged
to sit on the top deck. 2.________________.
Officers have been issued with timetables so that they can avoid long waits
at bus stops. A police inspector said he did not want them waiting around thirty to
forty minutes for a bus as this would clearly be a waste of police time.
3.________________. "If a bus is full, we will have to stand or wait for another
one," he said.
Officers in uniform, detectives and traffic wardens will all use buses during
a six-month trial of the scheme. 4.________________. However, buses would be
used when officers are involved in non-urgent routine business such as going to
take statements or when returning from court appointments.
Senior police officers believe that the scheme will be effective in cutting
down crime on public transport and will lead to a reduction in spending by the
police force. 5.________________.
A policewoman said, "I am all in favour of the idea. 6.________________.
If it's good enough for them, it’s good enough for us."
The transport manager for the local bus company which is sponsoring the
scheme said, "This scheme will help the police and give peace of mind to the travelling public. 7.________________. We are hoping that the scheme will
become permanent."
A. It is thought that if they sit here, this will help to discourage crime as they
will be able to see and to be seen clearly.
B. The scheme will make life safer not only for passengers but also for our bus
C. Certainly, buses will not be used when officers are responding to emergency
D. We have always found the scheme very successful in the past.
E. However, he did not expect the police to be treated differently from the rest
of the public.
F. It is good for the public, who will be able to see us and talk to us on the
G. They are to be allowed to travel free on buses in Northampton upon
production of their identity card.
H. Having police officers travel free on buses is cheaper than sending patrol
cars to pick them up in order to return them to the police station.
I. But it’s not about stopping people doing things: it’s about doing the same
things differently.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Григорий Крюков Мудрец (15227) 1 месяц назад
In one part of England, police officers are exchanging their cars for the bus to cut down on expense and to improve efficiency. (G. They are to be allowed to travel free on buses in Northampton upon production of their identity card.)

Most of the buses are double-deckers and police officers will be encouraged to sit on the top deck. (A. It is thought that if they sit here, this will help to discourage crime as they will be able to see and to be seen clearly.)

Officers have been issued with timetables so that they can avoid long waits at bus stops. A police inspector said he did not want them waiting around thirty to forty minutes for a bus as this would clearly be a waste of police time. (E. However, he did not expect the police to be treated differently from the rest of the public.)

Officers in uniform, detectives and traffic wardens will all use buses during a six-month trial of the scheme. (C. Certainly, buses will not be used when officers are responding to emergency calls.) However, buses would be used when officers are involved in non-urgent routine business such as going to take statements or when returning from court appointments.

Senior police officers believe that the scheme will be effective in cutting down crime on public transport and will lead to a reduction in spending by the police force. (H. Having police officers travel free on buses is cheaper than sending patrol cars to pick them up in order to return them to the police station.)

A policewoman said, "I am all in favour of the idea. (F. It is good for the public, who will be able to see us and talk to us on the buses.) If it's good enough for them, it’s good enough for us."

The transport manager for the local bus company which is sponsoring the scheme said, "This scheme will help the police and give peace of mind to the travelling public. (B. The scheme will make life safer not only for passengers but also for our bus drivers.) We are hoping that the scheme will become permanent."
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