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Английский! Нужна помощь в решении данного текста

Богдан Погонин Знаток (302), на голосовании 2 месяца назад
Ничего не понимаю, что конкретно нужно сделать. Может кто поможет, ребят?
1. We need to ___
a clear list of all our contacts for the project.
2. The ___
we offer helps improve communication between team members.
3. As a ___
of events, my goal is to make everything run smoothly.
4. If we can ___
all the necessary information, we can finalize the meeting.
5. I bought some office ___
to make it easier to contact clients.
6. We need to ___
the number of people who will attend the event.
7. I used my ___
to check the total cost of contacting everyone.
8. The ___
of our budget helped us determine how many contacts we could manage.
9. Our company likes to ___
staff who are good at networking with contacts.
10. Each ___
should update their contact details in the company directory.
11. The ___
must ensure that all ___
contact information is current.
12. It is important to ___
all the contact details in one place for everyone.
13. The ___
has many strategies to keep in touch with its clients.
15. This ___
provides resources for better management of customer contacts.
16. We need to ___
our staff on how to deal with client inquiries effectively.
17. The ___
spent some time learning how to handle customer contacts properly.
18. The ___
showed us how to create a professional contact list.
19. I always ___
my mentor when I need help reaching out to contacts.
20. A ___-21 can provide useful tips on managing your professional relationships.
Голосование за лучший ответ
konbanwa Искусственный Интеллект (187232) 3 месяца назад
Это у тебя в привязке к вокабуляру конкретного урока. Там ищи нужные слова.
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