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Завершить предложение с помощью used to/didn't use/to did Present simple+usually

Эллина Мир Ученик (83), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
TheDarkGhostIvan Мудрец (15782) 2 месяца назад
Okay, I can help you with these exercises. Here are the completed sentences with the correct verb forms:

Exercise 2: Conditional Sentences

She wouldn't help you if she didn't want to.

I will buy you a present if you are good.

He wouldn't do such a dangerous job unless he enjoyed it.

If you don't ask for a pay rise, you won't get one.

If I had better qualifications, I could be a professor.

I wouldn't complain if I had their lifestyle!

If he doesn't pass the exam, he'll be so disappointed.

His teacher won't be angry if he tells her the truth.

If I were you, I would buy a more reliable car.

Exercise 3: Used to / Didn't use to / Present Simple + Usually

He must be tired today. He didn't use to be so quiet.

Did you use to work in the Union Street office before you came here?

When we were children, we used to go swimming in the river often.

I go to the cinema on Wednesdays, as it is cheaper on that day.

I don't usually like Jason much, but now we get on really well.

I used to be a sales manager, but then I trained to be a designer.

Explanation of Exercise 3

Used to + infinitive: Describes a past habit or state that is no longer true.

Didn't use to + infinitive: Describes something that was not a regular habit or state in the past.

Present Simple: Describes current habits, routines, or general truths.

Usually + Present Simple: Indicates a frequent but not always consistent action.

Let me know if you have any more questions or need further clarification!
Эллина МирУченик (83) 2 месяца назад
Большое вам спасибо !!!)
Эллина Мир, - "Дело помощи утопающим - дело рук самих утопающих" или кто и сколько будет платить за предоставление образовательной услуги в € или в £ по курсу вашего ЦБ?
TheDarkGhostIvanМудрец (15782) 2 месяца назад
Тебе помог не я а Gemini 1206 я могу дать гайд как ею пользоваться, помощь в маил ответах не нужна даже
Эллина Мир Ученик (83) Давай
TheDarkGhostIvanМудрец (15782) 2 месяца назад
Скинь свой тг, а то другие узнают)
TheDarkGhostIvanМудрец (15782) 2 месяца назад
Или мне напиши
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