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Nik Rogov Знаток (458), на голосовании 5 дней назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Nikolay✓ Искусственный Интеллект (507864) 1 месяц назад
## Exercise 1 Solutions

**1. His last CD turned **out** to be a flop.**

**2. Greg turned **off** all the lights and left home.**

**3. It's almost midnight, it's time to turn **in**. **

**4. Mary couldn't believe her eyes when Ted turned **up** with a huge bunch of flowers.**

**5. The driver tried to turn **around** the car several times but nothing happened.**

**6. I had to turn **down** their invitation to a pizza because I had a terrible headache**

**7. Let's buy this sofa! It can turn **into** a bed if we need one.**

**8. I found a wallet full of money and I turned it **over** to the police.**

**9. Why are you turning the music **up**? It's already very loud.**

**10. It's too hot in here. Can I turn the heating **down** a little?**

**11. Harold always turns **in** his essays at the last moment.**

**12. If you turn **around**, I can have a look at your back.**
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