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i like boy but he dosn't like me! what can I do. don't say that i have to forget him!

anyaoshkareva Ученик (66), закрыт 13 лет назад
Лучший ответ
малинка Гуру (4759) 13 лет назад
Well...first you have to show that you are not interested in him, by the way try to represent him the best qualities you have. Good luck! ;) if he is normal he will see what he loses in his life...)
Остальные ответы
Юлия Кудинова Гуру (3537) 13 лет назад
Сначала правильно писать научись, а потом уже вы***ся тут... американка хренова
Рузанна Ученик (178) 13 лет назад
)) nothing can my opinion,it is better to relax and keep in touch with him
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