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Можете проверить грамматику на англ. в сочинен. предлож. с Future Perfect? Задание чтоб след предложение

Анти Мыслитель (8378), закрыт 15 лет назад
Дополнен 15 лет назад
начиналось на действие, на которое закончилось предыдущее предлож

1. Kate will have written her book by the end of this month.
2. If Kate writes her book she will have got much money by August.
3. She gets her money and she will have gone to Australia by September.
4. She goes to Australia and her friend from England will have arrived there by this time.
5. He arrives there and they will have met by the time that she leaves that place.
6. If they meet they will have visited the zoo by the mid of September.
7. They visit the zoo and they will have seen a beautiful kangaroo by the time Kate spends all her money.
8. They see the kangaroo and they will have decided to buy it on Nick’s money by the end of Kate’s holidays.
9. If they buy the kangaroo they will have married by the end of October.
10. They marry and the kangaroo will have written new book about their love by the end of this year.

4. She goes to Australia and her friend from England will have arrived there by then

4. She goes to Australia and her friend from England will have arrived there by that time.
Лучший ответ
ВЕРА ........ Гуру (3524) 15 лет назад
Все нормально. Только в 10-м предложении пропущен артикль "а" перед "new book".
АнтиМыслитель (8378) 15 лет назад
а как лучше?

4. She goes to Australia and her friend from England will have arrived there by then

4. She goes to Australia and her friend from England will have arrived there by that time.
АнтиМыслитель (8378) 15 лет назад
или 4. She goes to Australia and her friend from England will have arrived there by this time.
Остальные ответы
Funny Bunny Профи (545) 15 лет назад
АнтиМыслитель (8378) 15 лет назад
и на этом спасибо!
Funny Bunny Профи (545) Esli chto,obrashaites'))
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