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Даша Криштопа Ученик (158), на голосовании 9 лет назад
When he (1 - be) twenty-three years Paul Morel (2 - send) landscape in winter picture show at Nottingham Castle. His paintings have (3 - Admire) and significantly (4 - current) much.

One morning, a young postman (5 - in front) as well as Paul (6 - wash) in the kitchen. Suddenly, Paul (7 - hear) a loud cry that (8 - ahead) from the front door. He (9 - hurry) to the door (10 - find) his mother with a letter in his hand, the postman (11 - hand) to it.

Mrs. Morel (12 - cry): "Hurrah!"

Paul (13 - surprise) and (14 - shock). "Why, Mom!" it (15 - exclaim). "Hooray, my boy, I! (16 - know) you (17 - get) it!" He (18 - be) afraid of it - that little woman with gray hair, which (19 - Cry), so excited. Postman (20 - come) back as he (21 - be) afraid of something (22 - happens). Mrs. Morel (23 - open) the door to him.

"His painting (24 - get) the first place, Fred!" it (25 - cry).

"And this (26 - buy) at the Major Morton!"

Young postman, whom they (27 - know) my whole life (28 - to be) happy that he (29 - bring) such an important letter.

"Letter (30 - speak), but the picture (31 - sale) for?"

"It! (32 - SELL) for 20 guineas"

Paul (33 - to follow) his mother's room. He (34 - to be) that it (35 - manufacturer) must be some mistake, read the letter, and now he is (36 - want) to read it. He slowly (37 - read) a letter for could not believe that it is (38 - to be) true.

"Mom!" it (39 - exclaim).

"Did I not say that we (40 - do) it, Paul!"
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Абдурахман Алишаев Знаток (488) 9 лет назад
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