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Английский. Порядок слов в предложении

Наталия Шелепова Знаток (355), на голосовании 9 лет назад
Нарушен ли порядок слов в предложениях?

1. We helped to ourselves the food on the table
2. Anna and i are meeting lunch for each other
3. I hurt myself with the hammer
4. Its easy to cut yourself with sharp a knife
5. The house Steve painted by himself
6. You are enjoying here yourselves?
Голосование за лучший ответ
Бобоева Орзу Ученик (232) 9 лет назад
1. We helped to рut the food on the table ourselves
2. Anna and i am meeting lunch for each other
3. I hurt myself with the hammer
4. Its easy to cut yourself with a sharp knife
5. The house Steve painted by himself
6. are you enjoying yourselves here?
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