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Раскрыть скобки: Present simple passive: Am/is/are

Владимир Золенко Ученик (113), закрыт 8 лет назад
Present simple passive:
1.The shop (open) at 6am every day.
2.The room always (clean) by me.
3.This programme (watch) by millions of people.
4.Most of the cars from this factory (export).
5.This road (not use) very often.
6.Service (include) in the bill.
7.Money (change) in the bank.
8.Hair (cut) at the hairdresser`s.
9.Films (show) at the cinema.
10.Bread (sell) at the baker`s.
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (350520) 8 лет назад
1.The shop is opened at 6am every day.
2.The room is always cleaned by me.
3.This programme is watched by millions of people.
4.Most of the cars from this factory are exported.
5.This road is not used very often.
6.Service is included in the bill.
7.Money is changed in the bank.
8.Hair is cut at the hairdresser`s.
9.Films are shown at the cinema.
10.Bread is sold at the baker`s.
Остальные ответы
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153071) 8 лет назад
am \is \are + 3 форма глагола, данного в скобках
The shop is opened at 6 am every morning
С 1-7 -глаголы правильные--прибавляем --ed
8.9 10--неправильные глаголы, смотрим таблицу неправильных глаголов, 3 форму
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