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Английский - Put a question tag at the end of each sentence

Stas Prikol Профи (610), закрыт 7 лет назад
Put a question tag at the end of each sentence.
a. Kate won’t be late,...
b. I’m going to pass the exam,...
c. We’ve never met before,...
d. You can speak some Chinese,...
e. Mary’s on holiday,...
f. Janet’s got a great sense of humour,...
g. This isn’t very interesting,...
h. You weren’t listening,...
i. You have had you hair cut, ..
j. Pete, you couldn’t take me to the airport,...
Лучший ответ
Helena S-va Просветленный (33096) 7 лет назад
a. Kate won’t be late, will she?
b. I’m going to pass the exam, aren't I?
c. We’ve never met before, have we?
d. You can speak some Chinese, can't you?
e. Mary’s on holiday, isn't she?
f. Janet’s got a great sense of humour, hasn't she?
g. This isn’t very interesting, is it?
h. You weren’t listening, were you?
i. You have had you hair cut, haven't you?
j. Pete, you couldn’t take me to the airport, could you?
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