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Юлия Макурина Знаток (266), закрыт 5 лет назад
They use timber for separation.(What...?)
What do they use timber for?

1.We live in a new flat.(What flat...?)
2.Nick sails on a woodcarrier.(What shio...?)
3.I go to the cinema with my wife(Who...?)
4.He likes to listen to ships blasts(What...?)
5.In the open sea ships prooceed at full speed(What speed...?)
6.The sailors close the hatches with hatch covers(What...?)
7.They execute the capitan`s orders.(Whosw orders...?)
8.We carry rice in bags(What packing...?)
9.When their son is ill,they send for a doctor(Who...?)
10.They make holes with a special needle(What...?).
Заранее спасибо!!!
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (345160) 5 лет назад
1.We live in a new flat.(What flat do you live in?)
2.Nick sails on a woodcarrier.(What ship does Nick sail?)
3.I go to the cinema with my wife. (Who goes to the cinema with his wife?)
4.He likes to listen to ships blasts. (What does he like to listen?)
5.In the open sea ships prooceed at full speed. (What speed did sea ships proceed?)
6.The sailors close the hatches with hatch cover. (What do the sailors close?)
7.They execute the capitan`s orders.(Whose orders do they execute?)
8.We carry rice in bags. (What packing do you use to carry rice?)
9.When their son is ill,they send for a doctor. (Who do they send for?)
10.They make holes with a special needle(What do they make?).
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