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Андреас Чекин Знаток (306), на голосовании 4 года назад
For Project 3
16 16 Continue collecting information for a travel
guide. Work in groups of 3 - 4. Prepare a visiting card for Moscow. Find some interesting photos and collect the following data from the Internet, books and magazines:
sun will
Geographic coordinates
Moscow is located at . .The area lies at a height of metres above sea level.
of the Greenwich meridian in the middle of the metres above the Moscow River and about
Total area
Moscow occupies . .
square kilometres.
More than . .Among them there are representatives of about . nations and ethnic groups. are the largest ethnic group in Moscow.
is the predominant religion in Moscow. The city also has communities
of Protestants, Roman Catholics, Jews and Muslims.
Moscow is governed by who is popularly elected for a . .a .-member Duma (assembly). Moscow consists of which are subdivided into . districts.
administrative regions,
Голосование за лучший ответ
Vladislav Rudak Ученик (234) 4 года назад
1) 55 degrees 46 minutes north latitude 37 degrees 38 minutes east longitude.
2) 2511 km2.
3)11,92 mln.
4)Mayor of the city
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153058) 4 года назад
Все можно найти в интернете
Khomutov EgorПрофи (562) 1 год назад
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153058) Khomutov Egor, а то!
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