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Задание по ино

Ilnaz Ivaev Знаток (298), закрыт 4 года назад
Надо выбрать какое слово вставить, и почему так
1. If the weather is bad, they out of town.

Not Go
will not go
not gone
had not gone

2. If Johnny had money, he a Mercedes long time ago.
would have bought
have buy
would buy

3. We … the cup If we keep playing this bad.

Will lose
will lost
are lose
could have lost

4. If you touch a socket with wet hands, you … an electric shock.

will get
would get
would have got
would have been got

5. If you live in Australia, January in the middle of summer.

will be
would be

6. If we to the cinema, we popcorn.

will go; will eat
will go; eat
go; would eat
go; eat

7. If the weather… fine, he will go out of town.

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