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Помогите вставить нужные слова пожалуйста

Валерия Лазарева Ученик (95), закрыт 3 года назад
1. Look at these ...
A. woman B. women C. womans
2. Lisa a big house.
A. have B. has C. haves
3. My flat is on the ...floor.
A. three B. third C. thirteen
4. That’ s It’s very nice!
A. Danny B. Danny’s C. Dannys
5. Bill ...TV every evening.
A. watchs B. is watching C. watches
6. They are ...
A. knives B. knifes C. knife
7. Where ...he from?
A. am B. are C. is
8. ..boys are from my class.
A. This B. These C. That
13. My parents in a hospital.
A. don’t B. doesn’t C. aren’t

9. like a glass of lemonade?
A. Do B. Would C. Can
10. Look at Sam! He games.
A. plays B. is playing C. play
11. There is a school ...of my house.
A. next B. in front C. behind
12. your birthday?
A. What B. When C. Why
13. The sun
A. is shining B. shines C. shine
14. ..Nancy walk to school?
A. Do B. Is C. Does
15. How ...juice is there in the bottle?
A. many B. much C. any
16. What the children (do) in the garden?
A. does B. is doing C. are doing
17. These are ...
A. childs B. children C. child
18. Lisa and Betty a big house.
A. have got B. has C. have
19. Danny lives on the ...floor.
A. one B first C.nine
20. The table is ...of the sofa.
A. in front B. next C. near
21. Sam today.
A. is play B. is playing C. plays
22. There are ...carrots on the table.
A. some B. any C. much
23. German ?
A. Is B. Are C. Am
24. Look at those ...
A. man`s B. man C. men
25. How ...bananas do you want?
A. many B. much C. any
26. I go to the park ...the weekend.
A. at B. in C. on
27. Listen! The girl ...a song.
A. sings B. is singing C. is sing
28. This is ...kitten.
A. Ann’ B. Anns C. Ann’s
29. Bob ...dinner every day.
A. cook B. cooks C. is cook
30. Lara is ...home today.
A. in B. at C. on
Лучший ответ
Лида Высший разум (112449) 3 года назад
1. Look at these ...
B. women
2. Lisa a big house.
B. has
3. My flat is on the ...floor.
B. third
4. That’ s It’s very nice!
B. Danny’s
5. Bill ...TV every evening.
C. watches
6. They are ...
A. knives
7. Where ...he from?
C. is
8. ..boys are from my class.
B. These
13. My parents in a hospital.
A. don’t

9. like a glass of lemonade?
B. Would
10. Look at Sam! He games.
B. is playing
11. There is a school ...of my house.
B. in front
12. your birthday?
B. When
13. The sun
A. is shining
14. ..Nancy walk to school?
C. Does
15. How ...juice is there in the bottle?
B. much
16. What the children (do) in the garden?
C. are doing
17. These are ...
B. children
18. Lisa and Betty a big house.
C. have
19. Danny lives on the ...floor.
B first
20. The table is ...of the sofa.
A. in front
21. Sam today.
B. is playing
22. There are ...carrots on the table.
A. some
23. German ?
B. Are
24. Look at those ...
C. men
25. How ...bananas do you want?
A. many
26. I go to the park ...the weekend.
C. on
27. Listen! The girl ...a song.
B. is singing
28. This is ...kitten.
C. Ann’s
29. Bob ...dinner every day.
B. cooks
30. Lara is ...home today.
B. at
Остальные ответы
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153043) 3 года назад
1. Look at these ...
A. woman B. women+ C. womans
2. Lisa a big house.
A. have B. has+ C. haves
3. My flat is on the ...floor.
A. three B. third+ C. thirteen
4. That’ s It’s very nice!
A. Danny B. Danny’s+ C. Dannys
5. Bill ...TV every evening.
A. watchs B. is watching C. watches+
6. They are ...
A. knives+ B. knifes C. knife
7. Where ...he from?
A. am B. are C. is+
8. ..boys are from my class.
A. This B. These+ C. That
13. My parents in a hospital.
A. don’t +B. doesn’t C. aren’t

9. like a glass of lemonade?
A. Do B. Would+ C. Can
10. Look at Sam! He games.
A. plays B. is playing+ C. play
11. There is a school ...of my house.
A. next B. in front +C. behind
12. your birthday?
A. What B. When+ C. Why
13. The sun
A. is shining+ B. shines C. shine
14. ..Nancy walk to school?
A. Do B. Is C. Does+
15. How ...juice is there in the bottle?
A. many B. much +C. any
16. What the children (do) in the garden?
A. does B. is doing C. are doing+
17. These are ..+
A. childs B. children C. child
18. Lisa and Betty a big house.
A. have got+ B. has C. have
19. Danny lives on the ...floor.
A. one B first +C.nine
20. The table is ...of the sofa.
A. in front +B. next C. near
21. Sam today.
A. is play B. is playing C. plays+
22. There are ...carrots on the table.
A. some +B. any C. much
23. German ?
A. Is B. Are+ C. Am
24. Look at those ...
A. man`s B. man C. men+
25. How ...bananas do you want?
A. many +B. much C. any
26. I go to the park ...the weekend.
A. at +B. in C. on
27. Listen! The girl ...a song.
A. sings B. is singing+ C. is sing
28. This is ...kitten.
A. Ann’ B. Anns C. Ann’s+
29. Bob ...dinner every day.
A. cook B. cooks+ C. is cook
30. Lara is ...home today.
A. in B. at +C. on
duy leЗнаток (431) 3 года назад
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