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Дмитрий Хамраев Ученик (101), закрыт 2 года назад
Several (2), different, difference (4), differ, damp (2), famous (3), full, empty (2), quiet, modern

1. Charles Dickens is a — 19th century English writer. He is— for his novels about working-class England. 2. There are—paintings by Rembrandt in the Hermitage, the world — museum in Leningrad. 3. The Rossiya hotel in Moscow is an interesting example of — architecture. 4. In the words of the great American writer Mark Twain the — between the right word and the almost right word is the — between lightning and the lightning bug.**** 5. The family was out of town, and the | house stood —. 6. The play is — of humour. 7. You really mustn't smoke on an — stomach. 8. The woman's clothes were — with the rain. 9. There were — people at the bus-stop. 10. There is a world of — between "few" and "a few", "little" and "a little". 11. October weather is — and foggy. 12. In contrast to his brother who is a noisy sort of man, he is very —. 13. The sisters — from one another in the colour of their eyes. 14. In fact there is no — in meaning between "have something" and "have got something". 15. Three — persons told me the same story.
Лучший ответ
Tetiana Van Veen Гуру (2856) 2 года назад
1. Charles Dickens is a famous 19th century English writer. He is famous for his novels about working-class England. 2. There are several paintings by Rembrandt in the Hermitage, the world famous museum in Leningrad. 3. The Rossiya hotel in Moscow is an interesting example of modern architecture. 4. In the words of the great American writer Mark Twain the difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.**** 5. The family was out of town, and the | house stood empty. 6. The play is full of humour. 7. You really mustn't smoke on an empty stomach. 8. The woman's clothes were damp with the rain. 9. There were several people at the bus-stop. 10. There is a world of difference between "few" and "a few", "little" and "a little". 11. October weather is damp and foggy. 12. In contrast to his brother who is a noisy sort of man, he is very quiet 13. The sisters differ from one another in the colour of their eyes. 14. In fact there is no difference in meaning between "have something" and "have got something". 15. Three different persons told me the same story.
Остальные ответы
Aлександр Кононов Профи (633) 2 года назад
1. Charles Dickens is a famous19th century English writer.
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