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ᅠ ᅠ Знаток (302), закрыт 1 год назад
Match the parts of the text with their titles. There is one title you don’t have to use.

1. Preparing for Your Trip
2. Choosing a School
3. Money Matters
4. Your Free Time
5. Your Priorities
6. Some Necessary Formalities

Going to School in America

Don’t think that all schools in America are the same. In fact, some places may turn out to be really boring. If you want to enjoy your stay, go to a place like Berkeley, New York or Philadelphia. These are some of the most popular college cities in America. During your time there, you’ll have the opportunity to make friends with people from all over the world.

When you’ve chosen the school, visit the school’s website, where you can request or download the application forms. Apply to several schools if you can. The best advice I can give you is to try and get started early. If you are really well organized and manage to get your application in before July 1st, you’re giving yourself a better chance of success. Remember that most schools charge about $40 admission fee.

You’ve been accepted? Congratulations. But wait — did the school mention anything about payment? No? That’s strange, because with the money they ask for a year of college, you could buy a nice house in the country. Don’t go to a school if it doesn’t provide financial help.

Don’t forget that, unfortunately for you, the US government feels somewhat nervous about foreign students coming to America to study. That’s why in the first place you need to get a visa. There are some helpful websites which will give you all the information you need to know about getting your student visa. Good luck.

These may become the happiest days in your life, but you’re going to be busy in the US. Studying at a university in a foreign language is not going to be easy. You’ll have to work really hard to complete the tasks your courses will require of you. Make a schedule of how many hours a week you are going to spend on your studies. Outside of the classroom, there’s a whole world of creativity and experience awaiting you in clubs, sports, plays and other kinds of students’ activities. Just know what is most important for you
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