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vvv ggg Знаток (272), закрыт 1 год назад
1. The creators of the International Court of Justice provided that although seat would be in the Hague, it would hold sessions whenever it reckons it advantageous.
2. A legal system will not execute its rules without the work of a great number of people.
3. Lawyers have always informed their clients of how to use law.
4. Scholars define the legal culture as the climate of social thought and force that determines the usage of law.
5. The legal system deals with the control of behaviour.
6. The existent rules, norms, and behaviour patterns of people within the legal system form its essence.
7. It is not proper to regard law as a dictatorial ruler.
8. People refer to law when they mean the network of rules and regulations of the governmental social culture.
9. Some specialists consider that the contemporary jurisprudence of conservatism now lacks principled foundations; they also deem that we have become attached to ends, not means, and that we have become politicised to the point of undertaking activist ventures to achieve ideologically congenial results.
10. At the most superficial level, it will not surprise us that federalism is a nuanced and textured theory.
11. The public was furious that the Court had upheld the collective right against constitutional challenge in the context of the family and the church.
12. The Supreme Court protected the rights of labour organisations in two significant cases.
Лучший ответ
Елена Дворецкая Мыслитель (6096) 1 год назад
1. Seating of the International Court of Justice in in the Hague was provided for by its creators, its sessions would be held whenever it reckons it advantageous.
2. Rules of a legal system will not be executed without the work of a great number of people.
3. Clients have always been informed by their lawers how to use law.
4. The legal culture was defined by scholars as the climate of social thought and force that determines the usage of law.
5. The control behaiviour is dealt with by the legal system.
6. The essence of the legal system is formed by existent rules, norms, and behaviour patterns of people.
7. Law cannot be regarded as a dictatorial ruler.
8. The network of rules and regulations of the governmental social culture is meant by people as law.
9. The contemporary jurisprudence of conservatism is considered by some specialists to lack principled foundations; we are also deemed to have become attached to ends, not means, and that the point of undertaking activist ventures to achieve ideologically congenial results has been politicised by us.
10. At the most superficial level, we will not be surprise that federalism is a nuanced and textured theory.
11. The public was furious that the collective right against constitutional challenge in the context of the family and the church was upheld by the Court.
12. The rights of labour organisations were protected by the Supreme Court in two significant cases.
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