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лох лохович Ученик (137), на голосовании 11 месяцев назад
4. Chose the correct word:

a. I hate study/ to study/ studying long texts.

b. We have got a lot/ lot of/ lots of homework this year.

c. I have never read such an interested/ interesting book.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets:

a. I (walk) down the street when I saw a car crash.

b. If they miss the bus, they (be late) for the train.

c. He (learn) four languages in 2005.

d. They just (go) to the USA on holiday.

e. (have got) they any good comics at this book shop?

6. Read the text and complete it with the changed words from the brackets:

a. I always wanted to be a great scientist. (fortunately) ________/, I was very bad at chemistry at school.

b. The (teach) ______ used to get very angry with me, because I produced the horrible smells.

c. After a while, I decided to become an inventor and design an (amaze) ________ new product.

d. My parents were quite agreeable with me, but told me to be more realistic and not so (ambition
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Sergio 2.1 Оракул (60218) 12 месяцев назад
a. I hate studying long texts.
b. We have got a lot of homework this year.
c. I have never read such an interesting book.

a. I was walking down the street when I saw a car crash.
b. If they miss the bus, they will be late for the train.
c. He learned four languages in 2005.
d. They just went to the USA on holiday.
e. Have they got any good comics at this book shop?

a. I always wanted to be a great scientist. Unfortunately, I was very bad at chemistry at school.
b. The teacher used to get very angry with me, because I produced horrible smells.
c. After a while, I decided to become an inventor and design an amazing new product.
d. My parents were quite agreeable with me, but told me to be more realistic and not so ambitious.
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