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Волна Ученик (92), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Task 3 (16 points).

Read the situations. Ask for permission to do something, or make a request. Use the verbs in brackets.

Example: 0. Your friend made a cake. You want to taste the cake. (taste) — Can I taste the cake?

1. You’re at your friend’s room, and it’s very hot. You want to open the window. (open)


2. You are at your friend’s yard. You’d like a glass of water. (have)


3. You are in the cinema. You want the person in front to stop talking. (stop)


4. You’re in a café. You’d like to order a slice of pizza. (have)


5. Your friend hasn’t got a pencil. Give permission to use yours. (use)


6. You don’t understand a task. You would like the teacher to explain it again. (explain)


7. You want to use your sister’s laptop. (use)


8. You want some of your friend’s biscuits. (eat)

_______________________________________________________________________ Task 4 (9 points).

Как выполнять задания с выбором вариантов ответа

Choose the correct option.

1. Mike loves / is loving sport. He plays / is playing tennis and basketball. At the moment he plays / is playing tennis.

2. My mum is a teacher. She teaches / is teaching English. Today is Sunday. She doesn’t teach / isn’t teaching now — she watches / is watching TV.

3. I like / am liking drawing. I usually draw / am usually drawing a lot of pictures. But at the moment I listen / am listening to music.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Александр Герасимов Профи (664) 2 месяца назад
сама делай, к пересдаче надо было готовится
『мR』like a star Хуменгуэй Профи (751) 2 месяца назад
Can I open the window?
2. Can I have a glass of water?
3. Can you stop talking?
4. Can I have a slice of pizza?
5. Can you use my pencil?
6. Can you explain it again?
7. Can I use your sister's laptop?
8. Can I eat some of your friend's biscuits?


1. Mike loves sport. He plays tennis and basketball. At the moment he is playing tennis.
2. My mum is a teacher. She teaches English. Today is Sunday. She isn’t teaching now — she is watching TV.
3. I like drawing. I usually draw a lot of pictures. But at the moment I am listenin
g to music.
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