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Максим Игоревич Ученик (127), на голосовании 6 месяцев назад
Complete the sentences using verbs in brackets. Use infinitive or -ing form

1.- My sister wants (visit) India. She can (speak) English fluently.

2.-Excuse me, Would you like (help) me? Yes, of course.

3-What do you like

(do) in your free time?

4.-Maggies loves (eat) fish and chips but she (hate) vegetables.

5.-Why did you go (walk) to work? The buses were on strike.

6-My grandparent goes

(fish) to the river in summer.

7.-I'm sure you can

(book) a table at the restaurant.

8.-Come on! It's getting late and I want

(catch) the bus.

9-Philip is German and he can

(speak) English and French

10.-I would like

(try) this new recipe.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Наталья Лисица Просветленный (43000) 7 месяцев назад
  1. Моя сеструха съездила в Индию и базлала там на языке колонизаторов этой страны. Никто ей морду не набил..
Лариса Батакова Мыслитель (5813) 7 месяцев назад
1.- My sister wants to visit India. She can speak English fluently.

2.-Excuse me, Would you like to help me? Yes, of course.

3-What do you like to do in your free time?

4.-Maggies loves eating fish and chips but she hates vegetables.

5.-Why did you go walking to work? The buses were on strike.

6-My grandparent goes fishing to the river in summer.

7.-I'm sure you can book a table at the restaurant.

8.-Come on! It's getting late and I want to catch the bus.

9-Philip is German and he can speak English and French

10.-I would like to try this new recipe.
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