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Помогите придумать предложения о школе для английского??????

vityarybakov Знаток (398), на голосовании 6 месяцев назад
What do you like and don’t like about your school?Remember to say about the school process,facilities,after-school activities , teachers and friends. Do not forget to give arguments and examples to support your opinions. You can use information from your school website.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Максим Вадим Профи (777) 7 месяцев назад
I'm better destroyed this school, then asking about questions
uñRҀñŽf╢Ž▀@RҀΩuV (ВЕЧНЫЙ БАН)‮‮Мыслитель (8523) 7 месяцев назад
че ты высрал. подучи английский чепуха, больно читать.
Максим Вадим Профи (777) uñRҀñŽf╢Ž▀@RҀΩuV ‮‮, Stand proud,you are strong slave :(
uñRҀñŽf╢Ž▀@RҀΩuV (ВЕЧНЫЙ БАН)‮‮Мыслитель (8523) 7 месяцев назад
ты в небе и на земле лишь я кагурабачи потому что ты nah i'd win или потому что ты стой гордо сукуна ты силен
те кто унаследовал проклятия всегда ставить на хакари не могли полностью сказать nah i'd win все они будут нести свидетельствовать к обнажённой плоти
стойки гордо сукуна, с этим я призываю я ты ты стой гордо потому что ты nah i'd win или потому что ты сильнейший король проклятий
затем он в страхе сжал плечи, "стой гордо nah i'd win потому что оставил все позади, ты в его непреодолимой интенсивности"
после того как стой гордо расширил свою территорию он сказал, ты, ты сильнейший потому что ты это я ты или ты тот кто оставил все позади и его юбовь
ты сильнейший потому что ты nah i'd win или ты оставил все позади и стоф гордо потому что с этим я призываю всегда ставь на хакари
Максим Вадим Профи (777) Jogoat создал Mahoraga потому что он сильнейший True love
uñRҀñŽf╢Ž▀@RҀΩuV (ВЕЧНЫЙ БАН)‮‮ Мыслитель (8523) 7 месяцев назад
School. A temple of knowledge? More like an intellectual purgatory. A place where the entropy of knowledge devours the curiosity of youth, and standardization kills individuality. Sure, there are some positives, but like mold on cheese, they only accentuate the overall putrefying background.

The learning process: An informational conveyor belt. Textbooks – dry instructions for a life that no one has lived. Teachers – intermediaries, mechanically transmitting other people's thoughts. Interest? Killed at the root by endless homework and pointless tests. Creativity? Stifled by the confines of format and the grading system.

The school walls: An architectural monument to bad taste. Gray corridors, dreary classrooms – ideal scenery for a film about depression. The library – a dusty archive of outdated facts. The gym – a place for mandatory physical education, not for the joy of movement. The only bright spot is the courtyard, where you can at least get some fresh air before the next lesson starts.

Free time: What free time when you're at school? Clubs – a parody of self-development, groups – gatherings of those who seek any kind of entertainment within the walls of this institution. School holidays – pitiful attempts at fun, imbued with false enthusiasm and routine performances. Perhaps only fights in the bathroom somehow diversify this boring routine.

Teachers: Not all, of course, but many are burnt-out cynics, serving their time. Their enthusiasm, if it ever existed, has long since burned out in the crucible of bureaucracy and senseless методички. They see us not as students, but as objects of evaluation, cogs in a system they themselves despise.

Friends: An oasis in the desert of school life. But even here, not everything is smooth. Common interests imposed by the school environment do not always coincide with personal ones. True friendship rarely arises within these walls; rather, it is a forced community of souls united by a common dislike of the system.

School is not a temple of knowledge, but a machine for its packaging and standardization. But even in this machine, there are loopholes. We, the students, are not mindless cogs, but cunning observers. We learn not only from textbooks, but also from the behavior of teachers, from the absurdity of the system. We learn to survive, to adapt, and most importantly, to think independently. And when we emerge from this intellectual purgatory, we will do everything to ensure that the world of knowledge is not a dead warehouse, but a living space for discovery and creativity.
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