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Помогите, пожалуйста!!! Составьте из представленных английских фраз 5 предложений.

Алина Полякова Ученик (102), на голосовании 2 недели назад
1. nowadays - в настоящее время
2. obvious - очевидный
3. a community- общество
4. a law - закон
5. necessary - необходимый
6. to prevent - препятствовать ч-л или к-л, мешать к-л сделать что-то.
7. to interfere - вмешиваться
8. self-protection - самозащита
9. to kidnap - похищать
10. to rob - грабить
11. to kill = to murder - убивать
12. to require- требовать
13. a set of rules - набор правил
14. behaviour - поведение
15. to rely upon - полагаться на
16. to provide - обеспечивать
17. in other words - другими словами
18. safely - безопасно
19. imperfect - несовершенный
Голосование за лучший ответ
Ярослав Крылов Ученик (175) 1 месяц назад
1. Nowadays, it is obvious that a community needs laws to prevent crime.
2. It is necessary for self-protection to rely upon a set of rules that provide safety.
3. In other words, a community requires a set of rules to prevent interference and kidnapping.
4. Behaviour that leads to kidnapping, robbery, or murder is imperfect and requires intervention.
5. A community must rely upon laws to prevent interference and ensure safety.
Jurijus Zaksas Искусственный Интеллект (430804) 1 месяц назад
Students are very lazy nowadays. For instance, I'm too lazy to perform my homework, that's obvious. Ewen thought it's against the scholar community standards and the law, I've decided to cheat and ask for people to perform my homework for me on the internet. It's necessary to take some measures against such behaviour, but it's extremely hard to detect and to prevent. In fact, teachers have to rely solely upon students' honesty on this matter.
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