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Английския язык помогите пожалуйста

Елисей Буряковский Ученик (119), открыт 3 недели назад
Task 4 (34 points).

Как выполнять задания на раскрытие скобок (грамматика)

Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Josh 1) __________________ (talk) to his classmates every day in class. Right now, he 2) __________________ (talk) to Amanda. He 3) __________________ (talk / not) to his friend Andy at the moment.
It 4) __________________ (rain) a lot in this town during the year, but it 5) __________________ (rain / not) at the moment. The sun 6) __________________ (shine). 7) __________________ (it / rain) a lot in your hometown?
Jessica and Emma 8) __________________ (sit) next to each other in class every day, so they often 9) __________________ (help) each other with the tasks. Now Emma 10) __________________ (help) Jessica with an exercise on present verb tenses. Jessica 11) ______________ (be) glad to have such a good classmate.
Stan 12) __________________ (make) his own dinner every evening. He is in his kitchen right now. He 13) __________________ (cook) rice and beans. 14) __________________ (he / cook) meat for his dinner tonight too? No, he is a vegetarian. He 15) __________________ (eat / not) meat. 16) __________________ (you / eat) meat? 17) __________________ (you / be) a vegetarian?
1 ответ
MS Профи (544) 3 недели назад
Josh 1) talks to his classmates every day in class. Right now, he 2) is talking to Amanda.
Поля КотиковаУченик (74) 3 недели назад
А остальные есть?
MS Профи (544) Поля Котикова, что значит есть?! сделала один, а на остальные время тратить не могу
Поля КотиковаУченик (74) 3 недели назад
Оке, всё равно спасибо!)
Елисей Буряковский Ученик (119) Поля Котикова, у тя тоже атестоционная работа?
Поля КотиковаУченик (74) 3 недели назад
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