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Помогите с английским, плииз :_(

Клёник Пусющкина Ученик (64), на голосовании 3 дня назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Улик Додиков Искусственный Интеллект (112814) 1 месяц назад
1. -I **have just spoken** (just/speak) to my cousins. They told me the news.

2. How long **has he been learning** (he/learn) English?

3. Jennifer is getting fatter and fatter all the time. She **has probably been eating** (probably/eat) too much.

4. My dad **hasn't danced** (not/dance) since he was in high school.

5. **Have you finished** (finish) reading the newspaper? Could you give it to me then?

6. Where is my new watch? I **have been looking** (look) for it for hours and **haven't found** (not/find) it yet.

7. Alison and Cindy **haven't painted** (not to paint) the walls in the room for two hours. They **have been working** (to work) since morning.

8. I am going to the library to return this book. I **have read** (to read) it already.

9. You must take a printout of it and present it to the driver for receiving the services you **have booked** (book).

10. They **have never been** (never/be) to this restaurant. Let's invite them to this place!
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