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Диана Латыева Знаток (337), открыт 3 недели назад
2 ответа
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (346172) 3 недели назад
1) Is there always heavy traffic in this street?
There is always heavy traffic in this street, isn't there?
2) Do we live in a big house?
We live in a big house, don't we?
3) Does he walk along the street with his dog?
He walks along the street with his dog, doesn't he?
Joseph Гений (64664) 3 недели назад
2) Do we live in a big house?
We live in a big house, don't we?
3) Does he walk along the street with his dog?
He walks along the street with his dog, doesn't he?
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