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Fill in the blanks with must or had (to).

- Ученик (78), открыт 1 неделю назад
1. When I asked him why he was so late, he told me that he had missed an earlier train and ..... wait for another one. 2. The man warned us that the place was dangerous to bathe in and we..... look for a safer spot. 3. His wife kept telling him that he ..... not sit up so late. 4. The doctor told him he ..... give up smoking. 5. The father said to the children that they ..... be careful while crossing the street. 6. The bus was not going that direction, so he ..... change. 7. It was not that the work ..... be finished soon, but we ourselves wanted to be through with it as soon as possible. 8. I had no special desire to do it, but as I felt it ..... be done this way or another. 9. I saw that I ..... speak louder to make myself heard.
10. Telling himself that he ..... control himself, he did not answer anything.
11. For a moment she felt her heart ..... break. 12. Do you realize that you ..... mention it to anybody? 13. I knew it was a secret and I ..... keep it. 14. It is getting late. I ..... leave, or I shall be late for the last bus.
2 ответа
Joseph Гений (64547) 1 неделю назад
1. When I asked him why he was so late, he told me that he had missed an earlier train and had to wait for another one. 2. The man warned us that the place was dangerous to bathe in, and we had to look for a safer spot. 3. His wife kept telling him that he must not sit up so late. 4. The doctor told him he must give up smoking. 5. The father said to the children that they must be careful while crossing the street. 6. The bus was not going that direction, so he had to change. 7. It was not that the work had to be finished soon, but we ourselves wanted to be through with it as soon as possible. 8. I had no special desire to do it, but as I felt, it had to be done this way or another. 9. I saw that I had to speak louder to make myself heard.
10. Telling himself that he must control himself, he did not answer anything.
11. For a moment, she felt her heart had to break. 12. Do you realize that you mustn't mention it to anybody? 13. I knew it was a secret, and I had to keep it. 14. It is getting late. I have to leave, or I shall be late for the last bus.
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