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Помогите пожалуйста с чтением!?!

Ангелина Викторова Ученик (98), открыт 1 неделю назад
3 ответа
Free Sweeper Искусственный Интеллект (151036) 1 неделю назад
Почитать за тебя?
А как? Вслух или можно про себя?
Ангелина ВиктороваУченик (98) 1 неделю назад
В пропуски слова вставить
Вольный Разум Профи (751) 1 неделю назад
Вводишь в поисковик, пишешь: "переводчик текста с картинки".... Куча сервисов. Удачи.
Black Гуру (2696) 1 неделю назад
### Reading Comprehension and Questions

Based on the provided text and questions, here are the answers:

#### 1. Fill in the table:
**Tile Art:**
1. In 1400s
2. geometric
3. to keep

**Street Art:**
4. 1974
5. walls of
6. brightens

#### 2. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. According to the text, the Moors decorated their buildings with tiles ...
- **C. because of their love of geometric patterns.**

2. According to the text, the designs on the tiles changed over the years ...
- **B. because tile manufacturers kept up with changing fashions.**

3. According to the text, tiles in Portugal ...
- **C. have experienced varying levels of popularity.**

4. The city council in Lisbon ...
- **A. considers street art a good way of enlivening rundown neighborhoods.**

5. According to the article, Os Gemeos have painted a picture ...
- **B. of their yellow-skinned characters in a traditional Portuguese scene.**

6. Street art should be seen as beneficial to ...
- **C. the local community and artists because it allows them freedom of expression.**

### Summary

Tile art in Lisbon dates back to the Moorish invasion in the 1400s and has evolved over the centuries, incorporating various styles and serving both decorative and practical purposes. Street art, on the other hand, gained prominence after the 1974 democratic revolution and is now an integral part of Lisbon's cultural scene, transforming rundown areas and engaging both local and international artists. The city's acceptance and promotion of street art as a means to rejuvenate neighborhoods and support artistic expression underscore its significance in contemporary urban culture.
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