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leisesofi Знаток (289), открыт 1 неделю назад
1.Pancake Day is celebrated before … .
A. Mardi Gras C. Christmas
B. Lent D. Flag Day
2. On this holiday people wear red paper … .
A. decorations C. goods
B. pancakes D. poppies
3. The … is a day of enjoyment and entertainment.
A. fete C. wreath
B. valedictorian D. prom
4. The photo may be … in the newspaper.
A. completed B. removed C. signed D. printed
5. Santa Claus may come through a … .
A. wreath B. church C. chimney D. edge
6. The walls are decorated with … coloured paper.
A. shiny B. cheap C. excited D. completed
7. After Christmas Day in the US many shops have special … .
A. sales B. goods C. lights D. leaves
8. People put small lights along the … .
A. stocking B. turkey C. roof D. graduation
9. A special formal dance is called a … .
A. prom B. fete C. sign D. event
10.On Pancake Day people eat … .
A. turkey B. vegetables C. pancakes D. pudding
2 ответа
Artemik Ученик (235) 1 неделю назад
Простите, если это Дз то отвечать не кто так наверно не захочет. ?
_Fire_of_Death_ Гуру (4001) 1 неделю назад
  1. B. Lent
  2. D. poppies
  3. A. fete
  4. D. printed
  5. C. chimney
  6. A. shiny
  7. A. sales
  8. C. roof
  9. A. prom
  10. C. pancakes
leisesofiЗнаток (289) 1 неделю назад
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