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Present simple помгите

Артём Юров Ученик (69), на голосовании 2 месяца назад
Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. 1- Mr Green is a teacher, he 2- Jim and Nick (teach) history. (play) football everyday after school. 3- Leslie 4- Peter and his friends (tidy) her room once a week. (go) to school by bus. 5- The bank 6- We . 7- Stanley (open) at 9,00 and (close) at 4,00 P.M. (wash) our car every Saturday. .. (like) Kikki's music.
Голосование за лучший ответ
♡$ⴎG@r₱u₷sყ♡ Искусственный Интеллект (142503) 3 месяца назад
1. Mr Green is a teacher, he **teaches** history.
2. Jim and Nick **play** football every day after school.
3. Leslie **tidies** her room once a week.
4. Peter and his friends **go** to school by bus.
5. The bank **opens** at 9:00 and **closes** at 4:00 P.M.
6. We **wash** our car every Saturday.
7. Stanley **likes** Kikki's music.
Дмитрий Кузьмин Знаток (265) 3 месяца назад
1. Mr Green is a teacher, he teaches history.
2. Jim and Nick play football everyday after school.
3. Leslie tidies her room once a week.
4. Peter and his friends go to school by bus.
5. The bank opens at 9,00 and closes at 4,00 P.M.
6. We wash our car every Saturday.
7. Stanley likes Kikki's music.
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