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Read the short text and complete the comprehension questions for these answers

Ажаргуль Зубарева Ученик (44), на голосовании 5 месяцев назад
The Church of England decided that women could be priests in 1992. Two years later, 32 women became the first female priests in the country. At the time, some male priests complained. They thought that it was the end of the church
  1. Who ? Thr Church of England
  2. When ? In 1992
  3. When ? Two years later
  4. How many women? 32
  5. Who ? Some male priests
  6. What ? That it was the end of the church
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Shaolin Мыслитель (6836) 6 месяцев назад
Excellent work! You have correctly identified the key information from the text and matched it to the appropriate question words.

Here's a slightly more polished presentation of the answers:

• Who decided that women could be priests? The Church of England
• When did the Church of England make this decision? In 1992
• When did the first female priests appear in England? Two years later (in 1994)
• How many women became the first female priests? 32
• Who complained about this decision? Some male priests
• What did the male priests think would happen? They thought it was the end of the church
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