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Срочно помогите пожалуйста

Никита Кобурнеев Ученик (96), открыт 4 дня назад
1 ответ
speexz Гуру (2896) 4 дня назад
Sure, I can help you with that! Let's fill in the blanks in the sentences.

Larry was playing computer games while his brother was chatting with a friend yesterday evening.

Bob began to be interested in programming when he was 9.

Our grandparents were not as familiar with technology in their childhood as we are now.

A: Why did you not come to the party last Saturday?
B: I had a soccer game.
A: How did you play?
B: We won 5:3.

Lina was getting ready when Megan rang to cancel the meeting.

I did not understand anything when our teacher was explaining some grammar rules in Spanish.

She came home, took her laptop and went on to check her e-mails.

I felt very cold the whole day because I probably had the flu.

While I was sitting in on the meeting my wife kept calling me without stopping! I was so mad!
Никита КобурнеевУченик (96) 4 дня назад
Баран мог раньше скинуть
speexz Гуру (2896) Никита Кобурнеев, Прошу прощения, что заставил вас ждать. Рад помочь! Если вам еще что-то нужно, дайте знать.
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