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Сообщение по английскому

svetaet / Ученик (136), открыт 1 неделю назад
помогите написать мини-сообщение по английскому (8 предложений), основываясь на цитату «хорошие друзья подобны звездам… вы не всегда их видите, но знаете, что они всегда рядом»
2 ответа
pro GPU Ученик (210) 1 неделю назад
Surely, good friends are like stars in the sky – you might not always see them, but they’re there to guide you when you need them most. In a world full of challenges and uncertainties, having someone by your side who cares about you and supports you is priceless. They bring light into your life even on the darkest days and remind you that no matter what happens, you're never alone. A true friend will always be there for you, through thick and thin, offering their help without expecting anything in return. Their presence makes every moment special, making each day brighter with their warmth and kindness. It's this sense of security and comfort that truly defines the value of friendship.
Егорик Знаток (405) 1 неделю назад
Our life is unpredictable: you'll never know, what will happen tomorrow. The following day can bring both joy and sadness. And in this crazy world you have to be with someone who can lend you hand and help to stand still when everything around goes nuts. This 'someone' is your friend or couple of friends who will never left you behind in any situation that occurs. One good man once said 'Good friends are like the stars... You might not always see them but you surely know that they shine for you'. When we get older we'll make so many contacts with other people but not all of them will be ready to make you smile when you feel blue. Moreover, they can get you into a hole that is hard to get out of. Make sure you won't even talk with these kind of people and let enter your life only for the ones who won't break you if you don't have enough power to stand.
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