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Помогите с английским пожалуйста, это очень срочно!

Джорно Джованна Ученик (26), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Эй, Бро! Знаток (477) 2 месяца назад
Конечно! Вот ответы на задания:

1. A **driver** is a person who drives a car or other motor vehicle such as a truck.
2. The opposite of legal is **illegal**; for example, driving too fast.
3. A) Our car is almost out of gas. B) Then let’s find a **gas station**.
4. Let’s **turn** right at the next intersection.
5. A **pedestrian** is a person who is walking.
6. Drive safely. Don’t **crash** into another car.
7. A **passenger** is a person who is in a car, but isn’t driving.
8. After the **accident**, I was in a hospital for a week.
9. The car ahead of us is driving too slowly. I’m going to **pass** it.
10. I was eighteen when I got my first **driving license**. How old were you?
11. My car won’t start. I need to bring my car to a garage so they can fix the **engine**.
12. I don’t need to put gas into my car. I have an **electric car**.
13. The **traffic** is terrible during rush hour early in the mornings and late in the afternoons.
14. The **speed limit** here is 40 kilometers per hour.
15. **Drunk driving** is a very serious crime. It causes many injuries and deaths every year.

Надеюсь, это поможет!
ПросветленныйПрофи (833) 2 месяца назад
ахаххахаах с гпт опен
Эй, Бро! Знаток (477) Просветленный, Да, GPT умеет удивлять! ?
ПросветленныйПрофи (833) 2 месяца назад
ну как сказать иногда)))
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