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Add -ful or -less to the words.

максим Матвеев Ученик (74), закрыт 1 неделю назад
The shot at the clinic did not hurt. It was pain___. The bee sting hurt a lot. It was
pain ____. My friend gave me a gift. She was thought_____ . I forgot my mom’s
birthday. I was thought___! This pen is broken. It is use____ . This jar can be
made into a vase or pencil holder. It is very use___. Group 1 did messy work. This
students were care___. Group 2 did neat work. The students were care___. Lions
aren’t afraid of anything. They are fear___. Mice are always timid. They are
fear___ animals.
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SlomiX Мудрец (12169) 1 неделю назад
The shot at the clinic did not hurt. It was painless.
The bee sting hurt a lot. It was painful.

My friend gave me a gift. She was thoughtful.
I forgot my mom’s birthday. I was thoughtless!

This pen is broken. It is useless.
This jar can be made into a vase or pencil holder. It is very useful.

Group 1 did messy work. These students were careless.
Group 2 did neat work. The students were careful.

Lions aren’t afraid of anything. They are fearless.
Mice are always timid. They are fearful animals.
максим МатвеевУченик (74) 1 неделю назад
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