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Английский язык 9 класс

Kenix Ken Ученик (69), открыт 1 неделю назад
1 ответ
Никита Голубев Мастер (1602) 1 неделю назад
  1. realise - realised
  2. start - started
  3. describe - described
  4. shine - shined (или shone)
  5. cross - crossed
  6. stop - stopped
  7. hurry - hurried
  8. try - tried
  9. see - saw
  10. know - knew
  11. fetch - fetched
    2. When the teacher talked about her weekend, someone asked her a question.
  12. Tom was walking down the street when he saw Jane.
  13. Mike didn't work when Tina arrived.
  14. Clare was looking different when I watched TV.
  15. The supermodel fell over as she was walking along the catwalk.
  16. While they were climbing the mountain, it began to snow.
  17. We decided to abandon when we were having a picnic.
  18. I got a pain in my leg when I was swimming in the lake.
    3. We reached Greece. We had been on the road for five weeks when we reached Greece.
  19. We went to Chile. We had been to Brazil first before we went to Chile.
  20. I never had done anything like white-water rafting, so I decided to try it.
  21. We didn't see each other for a long time. We had met for a drink when we saw each other.
  22. We walked for many miles. We had seen the village when Sarah knew the road very well.
  23. Sarah knew the road very well. She had traveled that way many times before.
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