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sucker andreev Ученик (54), на голосовании 15 лет назад
Slough of despond(Depression)

Sometimes it seems to me
That loser I will be...
I feel myself not bad
Like someone makes a regret
My soul is like a bottle
Of the empty dreams and with no water
But only some things
Makes me to be happy
I think so clappy:

Slough of despond
I think it`s wrong
Soon it will be gone
I think i am
The happiest man!
Sometimes my dad
My mother as i said
Helped me to be
Happy anymore!

Not flowers, not something
Can make anything
For me to come from depressy
All people among me
Seem not friends to be
I want to become
A man and have fun!
Anywhere I belong
I feel so along
It`s a depression
A doctor`s expression.

Slough of despond
I think it`s wrong
Soon it will be gone
I think i am
The happiest man!
Sometimes my dad
My mother as i said
Helped me to be
Happy anymore!

Sometimes it a lot
Walking along the street with Ipod
And dumpish songs in it
And they my mind defeat.
Today i think it`s no depression
I`m not joking with this expression
Let`s anyone go to the hell
My time have served me well.

Slough of despond
I think it`s wrong
Soon it will be gone
I think i am
The happiest man!
Sometimes my dad
My mother as i said
Helped me to be
Happy anymore!

Walking through the streets
Anyone me greets...
It`s so sad, so bad
I`m just laying in bed
With my diseased head..

Walking through the streets
Anyone me greets...
It`s so sad, so bad
I`m just laying in bed
With my diseased head..
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