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Пользователь удален Знаток (283), закрыт 14 лет назад
Memory - is a necessary part of our existence. Is very important to preserve and develop it. There are many methods to improve your memory. They are fairly simple, but effective.
Pay attention to your food. It is necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.
Take physical exercise. It increases your heart rate and sends more oxygen to your brain.
Very effective auto-training classes. It organizes your mind and thoughts. You become collected and carefully.
Here are just a small part of what will help you develop your memory.
Лучший ответ
Eugenia) Мыслитель (9343) 14 лет назад
Memory - is a necessary part of our existence. It s very important to preserve and develop it. There are many methods to improve our memory. They are fairly simple, but effective,for example:paying attention to your food. It is necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.
Taking physical exercise increases your heart rate and sends more oxygen to your brain.
Auto-training classes are also very effective . It organizes your mind and thoughts. You become collected and careful.
Here is just a small part of things that will help you to develop your memory.

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