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помогите с английским плиииииз!!!!

Дмитрий Иванов Ученик (114), на голосовании 14 лет назад
найдите в каждом из предложений глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог:
1. The British museum is a great library, one of the largest in the world with something about 506 million books.
2. He always did his work properly.
3. The solution of the problem will require concentrated efforts of many research scientists (учёных-исследователей).
4. New methods have been used since 1999.
5. Children didn’t go to the museum.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Mashanya Гений (79628) 14 лет назад
За Золотым Руном ваш вопрос просмотрели: -)

1. The British museum is a great library, one of the largest in the world with something about 506 million books. - is - Present Indefinite (Simple) Active.
2. He always did his work properly. - did - Past Indefinite (Simple) Active.
3. The solution of the problem will require concentrated efforts of many research scientists (учёных-исследователей) . -will require - Future Indefinite (Simple) Active.
4. New methods have been used since 1999. - have been used - Present Perfect Passive.
5. Children didn’t go to the museum. - didn't go - Past Simple Active.

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