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Помогите с переводом на английский язык (8 класс)

. Знаток (438), закрыт 13 лет назад
Проверьте мой перевод с русского на английский пож-та.
(P/S онлайн переводчики не предлагать, т.к. нужен точный перевод, без ошибочный.)

На Черноморском побережье много прекрасных курортов. Сочи- мое любимое место отдыха. В прошлом году я со своей семьей ездил на машине в Адлер. Мы провели отпуск на побережье Черного Моря. Погода была жаркая и сухая. Каждый день мы ходили купаться в море, загорали на пляже, а вечером ходили в кино. Мы получили огромное удовольствие от нашей поездки.

-Вы были в отпуске в этом году?
-Да, у меня был отпуск в августе.
-Куда вы ездили отдыхать?
-Я провел свой отпуск в Болгарии.
-Какая погода была там в августе?
-Было жарко. Каждый день мы ходили к морю и проводили много времени на пляже.


On the coast of the Black Sea there are a lot of beautiful resorts. Sochi my favorite place of rest. Last year and my family and I went to the Adler by car. We spent our holiday on the coast of the Black sea. The weather was hot and dry. Every day we went in the sea, suntaned on the beach, and in the evening we went to the cinema. We were pleased of our holiday.

Have you had a holiday in this year?
Yes, we have. I had the holiday in august.
Where did you go on holiday?
I spent my holiday in Bulgaria.
What did the weather is there in august?
It was hot. Every day we went to the sea and spent much time on the beach.
Лучший ответ
ДД Т Высший разум (101786) 13 лет назад
On the coast of the Black Sea there are a lot of beautiful resorts. Sochi is my favorite resting place. Last year my family and I went to Adler by car. We spent our holiday on the coast of the Black sea. The weather was hot and dry. Every day we went to swim in the sea, suntaned on the beach, and in the evening we went to the cinema. We enjoyed our holiday.

Have you had a holiday this year?
Yes, I have. I jave had the holiday in August.
Where did you go on holiday?
I spent my holiday in Bulgaria.
What was the weather like there in August?
It was hot. Every day we went to the sea and spent much time on the beach.
Остальные ответы
Not Found Ученик (29) 13 лет назад
Зачем тебе правильный?! Этот и на 4 потянет!)
Киска Мыслитель (5236) 13 лет назад
самый верный и правильный текст звучит так:

At the Black Sea coast many fine resorts. Sochi - my favourite vacation spot. Last year I with the family went by the car to Adler. We have spent holiday at coast of Black sea. Weather was hot and dry. Every day we went to bathe in the sea, sunbathed on a beach, and went to the cinema in the evening. We have taken great pleasure from our trip.

- You were in holiday this year?
- Yes, I had a holiday in August.
- Where you went to have a rest?
- TH has spent the holiday in Bulgaria.
- What weather was there in August?
- Was hot. Every day we went to the sea and spent much time on a beach.
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