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Помогите. скачала игру день спящего дракона и дракончик гоша спасает черепах с торрента! вопрос как их установить????

Елена ! Ученик (107), на голосовании 11 лет назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
ORION 1000 Мыслитель (6717) 11 лет назад
Зайдите в меню "Пуск", "Панель управления", "Свойства папки" и "Вид" и напротив строчки "Скрывать расширения для зарегистрированных типов файлов" снимите галочку. "Примените" и "подтвердтите" (Окните) . Произойдёт чудо. После наименования всех файлов на вашем компьютере появятся их расширения. Это такие буковки на латыни после точки. В том числе скачанный вами "Дракоша" превратится в нечто вроде "Дракоша. ехе" или "Дракоша. iso" В первом случае, кликаете по файлу с расширением .exe, это исполняющий файл, он установит вашу игрушку, Если Ваш файл имеет расширение .iso, вас выручит маленькая програмка, "виртуальный привод" называется. Ну, или широко известным "Неро" запишите его на диск и вставте в привод-проигрыватель. Есть ещё способ для .iso. Распакуйте его архиватором в папку, найдите в ней файл .ехе и... (Ну, в общем, см. выше) Удачи!
Miss Mexico Ученик (111) 2 года назад
I'll go soon to the next of pies, yummy, yummy, yummy!
I eat those spicy awesome buns, yummy, yummy, yummy!
With a splat-splat here, and a splat-splat there,
Here a splat, there a splat, everywhere a splat-splat,
I'll go soon to the next of pies, yummy, yummy, yummy!

I'll go soon to the next of pies, yummy, yummy, yummy!
I eat those spicy awesome pickles, yummy, yummy, yummy!
With a crunch-crunch here, and a crunch-crunch there,
Here a crunch, there a crunch, everywhere a crunch-crunch,
I'll go soon to the next of pies, yummy, yummy, yummy!

One little, two little, three little monsters,
Four little, five little, six little monsters,
Seven little, eight little, nine little monsters,
Ten little monsters with you under the bed!
Ten little, nine little, eight little monsters,
Seven little, six little, five little monsters,
Four little, three little, two little monsters,
One little monster with you under the bed!

There is, so far, so good, my friend,
And Huggly is his name, oh
H-U-G-G-L-Y and Huggly is his name, oh!

She'll be coming to the party when she comes,
She'll be coming to the party when she comes,
She'll be coming to the party,
She'll be coming to the party,
She'll be coming to the party when she comes!

She'll be eating not on the parties when she comes,
She'll be eating not on the parties when she comes,
She'll be eating not on the parties,
So we'll eat some more supplies,
She'll be eating not on the parties when she comes!

Little Huggly is a monster,
We just went to a game,
He'll escort me to meet my friend
Tonight when we're going to play,
Play a type of a deal about the talking rule at me
At complaining read in the dark and soon we fall asleep!

Dig, dig, dig the plants
Planted on your head,
Roll in the dust and all the dirt,
Now you're ready for bed!
+JOURIST+ Профи (636) 1 месяц назад
I'll gobble soon my next of pies, yummy, yummy, yummy!
I eat those spicy awesome buns, yummy, yummy, yummy!
With a splat-splat here, and a splat-splat there,
Here a splat, there a splat, everywhere a splat-splat,
I'll gobble soon my next of pies, yummy, yummy, yummy!

I'll gobble soon my next of pies, yummy, yummy, yummy!
I eat those spicy awesome pickles, yummy, yummy, yummy!
With a crunch-crunch here, and a crunch-crunch there,
Here a crunch, there a crunch, everywhere a crunch-crunch,
I'll gobble soon my next of pies, yummy, yummy, yummy!

One little, two little, three little monsters,
Four little, five little, six little monsters,
Seven little, eight little, nine little monsters,
Ten little monsters with you under the bed!
Ten little, nine little, eight little monsters,
Seven little, six little, five little monsters,
Four little, three little, two little monsters,
One little monster with you under the bed!

There is a monster, who is my friend,
And Huggly is his name, oh
H-U-G-G-L-Y and Huggly is his name, oh!

She'll be coming to the party when she comes,
She'll be coming to the party when she comes,
She'll be coming to the party,
She'll be coming to the party,
She'll be coming to the party when she comes!

She'll be eating not on the parties when she comes,
She'll be eating not on the parties when she comes,
She'll be eating not on the parties,
So we'll eat some more supplies,
She'll be eating not on the parties when she comes!

Little Huggly is a monster,
We just went to a game,
He'll escort me to meet my friend
Tonight when we're going to play,
Play a type of pillow bounce in the darkening room at me,
After playing and reading it darkens as soon as we fall asleep!

Dig, dig, dig the plants
Planted on your head,
Roll in the dust and all the dirt,
Now you're ready for bed!
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