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иван курдюков Ученик (181), на голосовании 10 лет назад
^ 7. Выбери правильный ответ для каждого пропуска с номером в тексте.
There___1____ about 9,000 different kinds of birds ____2____the world. We can ___3___birds in many ways. One way__4__ birds is by whether they live on land__5__water. Another way is by the part of the world___6___live in. Some birds live in tropical or hot places, ___7___in cold places. Birds can also ___8____by what they eat. There __9__ types of birds, and many ways to tell___10___ apart.

Different birds___11__different foods. Sparrows and many small birds eat seeds. Tropical birds eat fruit __12__ seeds. Swallows and chickadees are examples of birds__13__ insects. Many __14__ eat both seeds and insects and feed __15__ to their babies. King-fishes are birds that__16__. They have long sharp bills which they use when catching fish.__17__ even eat other birds!

1. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. a) on b) at c)in d) through

3. a) not group b) to group c) grouping d) group

4) a) to group b) group c) grouping d) to grouping

5. a) and b)or c) either d) under

6) a) we b) it c)you d) they

7. a) others b) other c) another d)anothers

8. a) be group b) group c) be grouped d) grouped

9. a) are many b) are much c) is lots of d) are not any

10. a) they b) their c) its d) them

11. a) eats b) eat c) are eating d)eating

12. a) as well as b) no c) either d) not a

13. a) which eats b) that eat c) who eats d) eat

14. a) grown birds b) grew birds c) growing bird d) grown bird

15. a) these b) that c) them d) their

16. a) eat fishes b) eat fish c) eating fish d) eating fishes
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