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SickShooter Знаток (258), на голосовании 6 лет назад
. Past Simple Past Continuous 1)David __________________(come) in when the children _____________________(write) a dictation. 2)The cat ________________(sleep) on the chair while the dog _____________(sit) near the table. 3)She _______________(buy) a present for her Granny when I _________________(see) her. 4)Kate ______________(clean)her room, _______________(wash the dishes) and _____________(make) her bad. 5)When the teacher___________________(come) into the classroom the children _________________ (sit)at their desks.
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Маша Соколова Ученик (191) 6 лет назад
1.came, were writing; 2. siept, was sitting; 3. was buying, saw; 4. was cleaning her room, washing the dishes, making her bed; 5. came, were sitting;
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