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Тест по английскому языку 2

Ибрагим Д. Ученик (104), на голосовании 4 года назад
Вопрос 12
Captain James Cook claimed the east coast for Britain in 1770.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Where Captain James Cook claimed the east coast for Britain in 1770?
b. When did Captain James Cook claim the east coast for Britain?
c. When Captain James Cook claimed the east coast for Britain?
d. What did Captain James Cook claim the east coast for Britain in 1770?

Вопрос 13
Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from South East Asia.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Why Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from South East Asia?
b. Where did Australia’s Aboriginal people arrive to Australia from?
c. Where Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from?
d. Who Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from South East Asia?

Вопрос 14
Canberra is located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Canberra is no located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory.
b. Canberra don’t is located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory.
c. Canberra is not located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory.
d. Canberra doesn’t located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory.

Вопрос 15
Australia is the smallest island in the world.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Does Australia not the smallest island in the world?
b. Is Australia the smallest island in the world?
c. Was Australia not is the smallest island in the world?
d. Do Australia don’t the smallest island in the world?

Вопрос 16
Gold was discovered in South Victoria.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Gold was not discovered in South Victoria.
b. Gold didn’t discovered in South Victoria.
c. Gold no was discovered in South Victoria.
d. Gold was no discovered in South Victoria.

Вопрос 17
The city's design was influenced by the garden city movement
Выберите один ответ:
a. Is The city's design was influenced by the garden city movement?
b. Do The city's design was influenced by the garden city movement?
c. Does The city's design was influenced by the garden city movement?
d. Was the city's design influenced by the garden city movement?

Вопрос 18
Perth was settled by English gentlemen in 1729.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Perth was no settled by English gentlemen in 1729.
b. Perth was not settled by English gentlemen in 1729.
c. Perth no was settled by English gentlemen in 1729.
d. Perth not was settled by English gentlemen in 1729.

Вопрос 19
Australia is the world’s smallest, flattest continent ~
Выберите один ответ:
a. Is Australia the world’s smallest, flattest continent?
b. Is Australia is the world’s smallest, flattest continent?
c. Are Australia the world’s smallest, flattest continent?
d. Does Australia is the world’s smallest, flattest continent?

Вопрос 20
Settlers or ‘squatters’ moved deeper into Aboriginal territories in search of pasture and water for their stock.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Who did moved deeper into Aboriginal territories in search of pasture and water for their stock?
b. When Settlers or ‘squatters’ moved deeper into Aboriginal territories in search of pasture and water for their stock?
c. Why Settlers or ‘squatters’ moved deeper into Aboriginal territories?

Вопрос 21
The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog.
Выберите один ответ:
a. The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog?
b. The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog?
c. The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog?
d. The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog?
Голосование за лучший ответ
Nadeya Мудрец (13452) 4 года назад
Вопрос 12
Captain James Cook claimed the east coast for Britain in 1770.
b. When did Captain James Cook claim the east coast for Britain?

Вопрос 13
Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from South East Asia.
b. Where did Australia’s Aboriginal people arrive to Australia from?

Вопрос 14
Canberra is located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory.
c. Canberra is not located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory.

Вопрос 15
Australia is the smallest island in the world.
b. Is Australia the smallest island in the world?

Вопрос 16
Gold was discovered in South Victoria.
a. Gold was not discovered in South Victoria.

Вопрос 17
The city's design was influenced by the garden city movement
d. Was the city's design influenced by the garden city movement?

Вопрос 18
Perth was settled by English gentlemen in 1729.:
b. Perth was not settled by English gentlemen in 1729.

Вопрос 19
Australia is the world’s smallest, flattest continent ~
a. Is Australia the world’s smallest, flattest continent?

Вопрос 20
Settlers or ‘squatters’ moved deeper into Aboriginal territories in search of pasture and water for their stock.
Все ТРИ ответа неправильные. Может быть четвертый ответ (d), которого здесь нет, правильный?

Вопрос 21
The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog.
Странно, но у Вас здесь четыре раза напечатано одно и то же неправильное предложение.
Ибрагим Д.Ученик (104) 4 года назад
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